Kobe 11 Elite Low “Great Career Recall” 以回憶科比的偉大職業成就為主題,帶來一款白底托襯的黑金新配色。
采用了同科比職業生涯最後一款賽場親著戰靴 Nike Kobe 11 Elite Low FTB 類似的配色方案,但鞋身 Swoosh 和鞋舌 Kobe Logo 更具金屬光澤,視覺效果同樣搶眼!科比本人已經在馬尼拉親著上腳演示。
Kobe Bryant 雖然已經從 NBA 退役,但其球星簽名鞋款依舊不斷書寫著傳奇。最新一代的 Nike Kobe 11 4KB Elite 再度帶來全新配色設計「4KB」。鞋身整體再度使用 Flyknit 編織技術,並從鞋面的黑色向鞋跟的墨綠色過渡,呈現低調版的「Multicolor」,同時採用橡膠製外底,註入成熟復古氣質,左後跟處依舊保留「四條縫線」印記,象徵 Kobe 跟腱上的手術縫線。
多年來,科比·布萊恩特早已成為我們聖誕陣容中的“常客”。盡管如今已從聯盟退役,但在這個盛大的節日裏,布萊恩特仍在以另一種方式,透過新版 Kobe 球鞋 11 Elite Low 力壓對手。Kobe 籃球鞋新版外觀運用令科比·布萊恩特興奮不已的活力熒光黃配色和新穎的迷你版鞋跟 Swoosh 設計,講述了關於聖誕夜過去之靈的故事。
BHM 展開即為Black History Month(黑人歷史月),顧名思義就是為了紀念及贊頌黑人在美國歷史發展中扮演著不可或缺的重要角色,由歷史學家Carter.G.Woodson和一群傑出的黑人學者共同發起的黑人歷史周,最終在1976年更被美國總統Ford指定往後每年的二月為 黑人歷史月。
這款 Kobe 11 “BHM” 以黑藍鞋身註入多彩編織元素,點綴白色的 Swoosh 和外底,多種顏色點綴的鞋舌 Logo 和鞋墊文字表明了 BHM 的身份。
此次的Kobe 鞋舌上多了一串數字『4468』包圍了Kobe的招牌武士刀標誌正是要紀念當年發表『我有一個夢』震撼演講的馬丁路德金恩博士慘遭行刺的日子…
鞋墊上的The Power Of One象徵著在美國所打拼的黑人們團結一致,鞋底採取了全掌式的Lunarlon帶來更舒適的足感,在最跟部更置入了一大塊Nike Zoom Air能在進行完跳躍後,大幅減輕對於膝蓋的壓力。
不同於第一雙上市的Kobe 球鞋 XI(Achilles Heel)是Translucent半透明的底,BHM版本採用了廣受大家歡迎的XDR版本,抓地力提升足以應付在臺灣各式場地輕鬆作戰。
Nike在這次Kobe 籃球鞋XI Flyknit的鞋面上加入了TPU纖維,強化了整個鞋面的扭力支撐,讓喜好在球場上進行急停、切入的球友們不必害怕破壞鞋身。
鞋身上也從Kobe 8 開始特有的特殊密碼在這一代也不例外。
雖然kobe bryant不會出戰裏約奧運會,但Kobe 11代的夢之隊配色依舊會發售,鞋子采用夢之隊的紅白藍配色,後跟處繡有08和12字樣,代表科比曾經出戰過的兩屆奧運會。
既然是以’USA’ 作為配色主題,自然就是由美國國旗色調所組成,內外側的Nike Swoosh 也都分別以藍紅互相映襯,而這雙Kobe 鞋子最特別之處是在腳跟處刺繡的’08’ 及’12’ 字樣和星星圖騰,代表Kobe 兩次為美國出征奧運的年份。
以 Nike 為 C 羅打造的刺客 9 代足球鞋為配色靈感的 Nike Kobe 11 EM 「Mambacurial」 即將迎來市售,該鞋沿用了 Kobe 8 「Mambacurial」 的風格設計,帶來了原汁原味的刺客風韻。
Mambacurial 主題配色以極高的復原度再次在 Kobe 球鞋上帶來熟悉的刺客裝扮!這雙 Kobe 11 EM “Mambacurial” 以熟悉的粉紫鞋身搭配亮綠色的 Swoosh 和外底,多個亮眼色系的完美結合,在營造刺客經典裝扮的同時,視覺沖擊力自然是讓人無法回避!
鞋身內側碩大的白色 NIKE 字樣也是刺客戰靴的經典元素,想入手的朋友還請抓緊!
Kobe 11 最為科比征戰NBA賽場的最後一代戰靴,受到了包括小編在內的很多球迷的關註,今天給大家說說Nike Kobe 11 Elite low的一些特點吧。
從中底科技上來說,Nike Kobe 11 Elite采用了和Kobe 10相同的配置,即前掌融入Free理念的Lunarlon。
後跟則是Zoom Air。但在中底結構上,Kobe 籃球鞋 11 Elite則和Kobe 9類似,采用了將中底內嵌入鞋墊的做法。
緩震性上它采用了典型的低幫設計,這也是Eric Avar在Kobe系列中招牌式的設計,其次,Kobe 11 Elite的動態外底以及內嵌式中底裏,並沒有在足弓采用碳板或TPU這樣的穩定科技
抓地性上Kobe 11 Elite憑借細致精密的防滑紋路,也具備非常不錯的抓地力。PS:這款精英戰靴絕對是後衛中的極品之一,喜歡科比,喜歡籃球的朋友,如果經濟充裕的話,可以入手一雙體驗一下。
作為Kobe 在場上最後一雙實戰鞋款,Kobe 11代已經取得相當的歷史地位。有別於Kobe 鞋 X在中底切割Lunarlon,Kobe XI Elite Low將中底改為可抽換式的”中底+鞋墊”設計,連同後跟位置Zoom Air,前Lunarlon+後Zoom Air中底成為整雙Kobe XI Elite Low的靈魂所在。在鞋面部位,針對Kobe IX及Kobe X Flyknit鞋面偏柔軟的狀況,加入了TPU線貫穿其中,此乃Kobe 球鞋系列首見設計。
延續Kobe 籃球鞋系列的低筒設計,Kobe 11 Elite Low的腳踝處下挖相當明顯。腳後跟處的支撐也沒有過往的TPU設計,穿上Kobe XI Elite Low就猶如穿上一雙網球鞋。雖然在鞋面包覆的部位有著相當不錯的支撐感,但Kobe XI Elite Low給予使用者的腳踝保護的確是較為薄弱的一環。
為了給予使用者快速的反應性,Kobe XI Elite Low在中底給予Lunarlon切割設計,幫助整雙鞋子能夠隨著運動過程中的動作而形變、減少限製感。比起Kobe X,Kobe XI Elite Low的反應性又再向前一個檔次,而比起採用Lunarlon中底的Kobe VIII以及Kobe IX,Kobe XI Elite Low的Lunarlon的確更為自由不受限。
如前所述,Kobe XI Elite Low的中底鞋墊採取”前Lunarlon+後Zoom Air”的設計,在腳跟處的Zoom Air發揮極為出色的避震能力,表現與Kobe X相去不遠。而前腳掌的Luanrlon則是因為有了切割設計,致使穿著過程當中常常可以感受到Lunarlon給予前腳掌的緩沖沒有Kobe X來的出色。對於重視前腳掌避震的朋友,Kobe XI Elite Low可能就不那麽合適。但整體來說,Kobe XI Elite Low的避震性還是相當有水準。
在清潔過後的室內木板地穿上Kobe XI Elite Low,可以立即感受到Kobe系列一貫的抓地力好表現。簡單的來回移動就可以聽到明顯的摩擦聲響,在全場跑動過程當中,Kobe XI Elite Low的表現更是無可挑剔,完全跟上每個節奏。至於未清潔的室內木板地或是室外地板,則不在此次測試條件中,暫不討論。
在Kobe XI Elite Low的Flyknit鞋面上,TPU材質穿梭其中。穿上Kobe XI Elite Low可以明顯感受到與過往Flyknit鞋面的不同,但同時間卻又不減少其柔軟度。較為可惜的是,此明星賽版本鞋舌較高,在實戰過程中不時需要調整。
Kobe XI Elite Low有著極為優異的抓地力及反應性,相當適合速度型球員。Flyknit鞋面結合TPU的設計確實幫助鞋面更具支撐性,而舒適度也維持Kobe系列一貫的優異水準。中底足跟的Zoom Air表現也相當不錯,可惜前腳掌的切割式Lunarlon中底避震度較為不足,是整雙Kobe XI Elite Low最為可惜之處。但整體而言,Kobe XI Elite Low依然是雙實戰性能出色的好鞋,符合其作為Kobe Bryant生涯最後一雙鞋款的歷史定位。
what is a reborn doll used for?
Some consumers of reborn dolls use them to cope with their grief over a lost child (a memory reborn), or as a portrait doll of a grown child. Others collect reborns as they would regular dolls. These dolls are sometimes played with as if they are an infantwhat is the purpose of a reborn doll?
what is a reborn toddler doll?
A reborn doll is a hand made art doll created from a blank kit or a manufactured doll that has been completely transformed by an artist to resemble a human infant with as much realism as possible. The process of creating a reborn doll is referred to as reborning and the doll artists are referred to as reborners.Reborn dolls are also known as lifelike dolls or reborn baby dolls
what is a silicone reborn baby doll?
that’s the main difference between Reborn and Silicone dolls. You can feel and see that difference, under your touch. Probably, it can also be easily recognized by your tiny toddler. Lifelike reborn dolls are a bit stiff, when compared to silicone dolls, which are quite soft and chubby.
This vinyl reborn doll usually has a cloth body, and some molds have fake belly, which is more realistic for taking pictures. The body has a certain degree of flexibility, but it is certainly not as soft and easy to bend as the silicone rebirth doll. But it is excellent in maintenance, and only requires a cotton swab to do some basic cleaning procedures. Because the hair is tightly sealed, you can comb different hairstyles at will (especially dolls with long hair for girls). You can add weight to the cloth body as you like. Usually, glass beads are used to increase the weight of the doll to make the body closer to the baby’s weight.
what is a silicone reborn baby doll?
Silicone reborn doll (silicone reborn doll, pictured). This silicone rebirth doll has a soft texture and is easy to bend. In a sense, silicone dolls are more realistic in touch because they act like a real child. However, because of the durability of silicone, it is necessary to treat them very carefully. Silicone dolls need to use talcum powder regularly, because their skin tends to be sticky, so do it at least once a week. Because the hair of silicone dolls is not tightly sealed, silicone dolls with hair transplants should be especially careful about hair loss. Nevertheless, the softness, mobility, and weight of silicone dolls are more like real babies in your arms, so many people’s first choice is silicone reborn dolls.
how are reborn dolls made ? how to make reborn dolls?
The most basic form of the process involves taking a vinyl doll, adding multiple hand painted layers of paint, and adding other physical features to the doll. Artists can pick different brands to best suit the doll they wish to create.
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You can buy baby reborn doll from local store .You also can buy from Walmart and Amazon .But Aerinaby Store give you 50% OFF to buy the real silicone reborn baby doll .
Browse our collection of reborn doll clothes, including our popular Reborn Doll girls and customer-favorite Reborn Doll boys ! cheap reborn doll for sale or home reborn doll
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Around 100usd .